Sunday, October 23, 2011

Blog Post 9

Mr. McClung offers a lot of great advice that he learned after his first year of teaching in his post.  I think his point on communication is very important.  Simply communicating can solve so many problems in the workplace.  This includes communicating with the boss, your coworkers and also your students.  I believe teachers can learn a lot from their students.  It is important for teachers to listen to the feedback of their students and adjust their classroom and teaching methods appropriately.  In order to get the most out of your students, it is important to listen to them to see what works best.

In Mr. McClung’s most previous end of the year post he talks about the danger of teachers becoming comfortable in their routine and methods.  Teachers need to embrace change and cannot be afraid to continue to try new things in their classroom.  He also stresses that teachers are in the classroom to serve the students, not the administration.  It is important to follow the rules but our main focus as educators should not be to please administrators.  We have to dare to try new things in our classrooms and try again if we fail.  We must strive to go above and beyond as educators instead of settling for mediocrity. 


  1. Hey David, I agree that communication is the key to everything. It helps so much. Listening to students is important even if teachers do not believe it is since they are younger. I hear all the time of teachers just trying to please their boss and not worry about the students because they are scared to do something wrong and get in trouble. Your post was really good and just think we're almost done. Good Luck, Have a good year!

  2. Communication is indeed important. Being unique and trusting yourself is key to good teaching, as well!
