Sunday, October 30, 2011

If we go into our careers with the intent to spoon-feed students we will never be successful.  If all we care about is good grades on standardized tests we will not be successful.  I am not suggesting that facts are not important.  Nor am I saying that state tests do not serve a purpose.  I simply believe that in order to truly empower students we have allow them to think for themselves and inspire them to go after the desired information.  There are too many teachers in the United States that are safe in their jobs because of tenure and simply care about good grades on standardized tests.  That is not what our job is as educators.  Our goal should be to motivate students to push their own limits, not constrict their ability by teaching them to a test.  At the end of each year our students will move on to the next level.  After that they will move into a new classroom with a new teacher.  We need to provide them the tools they need to be successful and help build their self-esteem so they are confident that they can continue to succeed.

Tom Johnson perfectly states the problems that schools are facing in the United States today.  We can continue to try and point to whatever problems we want but for some reason we refuse to try and look for solutions.  There is no question that economics drastically impacts the education system.  Schools in lower income areas will have lower quality supplies and resources.  But that should not mean that that there has to be lower quality education.  The notion that “that’s just the way it is” is crazy.  Education can take place anywhere under many different circumstances.  But people fail to see this and instead we try and force children into taking a path that is simply not working, and we take away potential tools that could be used to force them on this path.
                Pencils are a symbol for education just like an apple is a symbol for a teacher.  The message of this post is that we are stripping students of essential tools they need because we are afraid they will adversely impact standardized test scores, or whatever goals the system has for the students.  It seems silly hearing that students wouldn’t be allowed to have pencils but is it really that far off.  In today’s world we are limiting our students because of the tools we provide for them.  We are teaching with textbooks that are decades out of date and we still have teachers afraid to allow technology into their classrooms.  We are afraid that real education cannot take place if we change the way we do things.  It’s time that we stand up for students as educators and give them the tools they need to succeed.  We are falling behind the rest of the world and we need a competitive education system to reverse that trend.

C4T #3


I commented on Mr. Avery's blog  Mr. Avery is a math teacher who was teaching his kids fractions.  The way he used his blog was to try to simplify the process of dividing fractions so that the student's had a way to look up the process on their own which they would understand.  He also offered extra credit questions for those students who took the time to read the blog.  My favorite part had to be the rap video that he added on how to divide fractions.  It was very funny and made the topic much more interesting!

In the second post I commented on Mr. Avery was teaching his class about circles.  He used technology to enhance his lesson plan on circles.  He used an iPhone app in his class to give his class an opportunity to have a hands on experience learning and dealing with circles.  They were able to find the radius, diameter and center on the iPhone.  The panoramas they created were very cool and I am sure was a very interesting way for the students to learn about circles.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Blog Post 9

Mr. McClung offers a lot of great advice that he learned after his first year of teaching in his post.  I think his point on communication is very important.  Simply communicating can solve so many problems in the workplace.  This includes communicating with the boss, your coworkers and also your students.  I believe teachers can learn a lot from their students.  It is important for teachers to listen to the feedback of their students and adjust their classroom and teaching methods appropriately.  In order to get the most out of your students, it is important to listen to them to see what works best.

In Mr. McClung’s most previous end of the year post he talks about the danger of teachers becoming comfortable in their routine and methods.  Teachers need to embrace change and cannot be afraid to continue to try new things in their classroom.  He also stresses that teachers are in the classroom to serve the students, not the administration.  It is important to follow the rules but our main focus as educators should not be to please administrators.  We have to dare to try new things in our classrooms and try again if we fail.  We must strive to go above and beyond as educators instead of settling for mediocrity. 

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Blog Post 8

This is How We Dream

Richard E. Miller talked about multimedia.  He states that a big change that we face today is that the place where we work today is very different than in the past.  What used to be done using a library, pencils, and paper is now done using the Internet and a word processor.  He also states that articles and books that used to be used for a period of time and thrown out are now preserved forever online.   Also the information at our fingertips today is instantaneous.  Ideas are no longer individual but part of a culture.  As educators it is important that we distribute this information.  Miller also stresses that we have to make whatever we are putting out on the web compelling to those who will view it.  He believes that a different type of composing is going to come that focuses on the web, and it is clear that it is already happening in today’s world.  I am not sure if I would be ready for this type of multimedia now but if this is what the future will be it is important for students to learn it as soon as they can.
Carly Pugh’s Blog Post #12

Carly created an assignment that required students to make a YouTube playlist of clips that they felt were important to creating a productive learning environment.  I think Carly’s post is what Richard Miller was talking about when in his video on multimedia.  Carly’s post was more than a word document.  It was an interactive experience that you got to go on.  It was compelling and also beneficial which Miller stated where important characteristics to write in this new way.  There was a good mix of inspirational videos and educational videos.  We got to get to know Carly while learning about what she thought was important for the educational world.  Instead of just stressing literature she offered videos on authors.  And at the end of her post, the video on the 6 questions truly left you wanting more.  That I think should be a true goal of education; to leave students wanting to learn more and be excited about learning.

Chipper and EDM for Dummies

The Chipper video showed that it is important that students put work into school, not just get taught and respite out information.  Nothing valuable comes without hard work.  A hand on experience is important in the learning process.  EDM for dummies was an overview of the programs we would be using in the class and a funny way of showing that although the class can be stressful, it can also be a lot of fun.  Both videos were interesting and very fun to watch.  There is no doubt that most of us are stressed out because of this class at times and trying many things out that we never have before.  But that is all part of the learning experience.  I would love to make a sarcastic video like this for a project because I feel they express the true emotions I have had during this class at times but also reassure that it is worth the work.

Learn to Change, Change to Learn 

This video states the problem in America today regarding the fact that classrooms lack new technology.  It states that the American classroom is basically “turned off” which shuts out many modern students.  We live in a connected world therefore the classroom should be a connected place as well.  I agree that we need to connect and make global connections.  However, I still think that the classroom is an essential part of education.  I think we need to be teaching kids the skills needed in the classroom, both scholastic skills and technological skills, then encouraging them to use it in the world around them.  There is no doubt that the model of education is changing  in the United States.  The classroom should never be taken away but as teachers we must adapt and prepare ourselves for the modern world we live in.  Allow students to make connections and use the skills we teach them and inspire them to try new things and not be afraid to fail.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Randy Pausch giving a lecture

Blog Post 7

I want to start by saying that listening to Randy Pausch speak given the situation he was in was inspiring.   You know that his message is genuine and truly what he feels is important.  The importance of dreams I feel is often understated.  No matter how far of a reach they may be, it is important for people (especially kids) to have dreams and goals.  I think Randy Pausch’s claim that having specific dreams is important is very accurate.  We need to have something specific we can aim for.

In order for kids to dream, we have to give them permission to dream as teachers.  We cannot stifle the thoughts of our students no matter what age.  I think we can help direct students and guide them to achievable goals but we also have to allow them to dare to push their limits.  That is how we will truly have students that achieve their maximum potential.  They may not become the next rocket scientist but they will hopefully work to achieve things that they would not have otherwise.

Also we cannot be discouraged by roadblocks we meet along the way.  “Brick walls” as Paush puts it are to show us how bad we really want something.  As teachers we are going to run into brick walls while working with students.  Also, students are going to run into brick walls while striving for their dreams.  Brick walls are to show us how bad we really want something. 

Paush’s idea of a feedback loop I think can especially apply to teachers.  People need guidance and insight when making decisions in their life.  Children need this guidance just as much if not more.  I know personally I would take the advice of a few friends very seriously, to the point of trusting almost anything they say.  We need to be this positive feedback for the children in our classrooms.  We need to tell them it is ok to strive for their dreams.  We need to tell them that they need to have dreams.  Without dreams and goals, we have no direction.  We also need to trust in those goals and dreams, and trust that the plan that is laid for us will be accomplished.  God Bless! Thanks for reading.

C4T #2

Student's in Mr. Hobson's Class

I commented on Tom Hobson's blog.  Mr. Hobson is an art teacher who recently moved schools and adjusting to the new environment. The post I commented on first showed many of his students art pieces which were really fun to look at.  He is encouraging these students to use their creativity and finds good work in every kids work.  I think it is important that he is encouraging these young students creativity and pushing them to keep trying new things.

 The second post I commented on dealt with extroverted versus introverted personalities. Hobson states that the two are often used to mean outgoing and shy, respectively, but that is not what they actually mean. He says that extroverted people gain energy from being with many people and introverted people gain energy from being alone or in groups. Most people state that I am extroverted because I love interacting and being around other people, but I am most happy when I am with close friends and family. I value alone time and feel most comfortable when I am around the people closest to me. Hobson also states that your personality can have both extroverted and introverted characteristics, they just express themselves in different situations.

Project 9b

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Blog Post #6

I think the idea of making connections with others is extremely important and one of the greatest advantageous to using technology in the classrooms.  I know I have been critical in some posts about how technology is used in classrooms but I think this reason validates its use more than anything.  We are moving towards a global society in which people will have to be connected to and willing to work with people from other places.  Our classroom cannot be a bubble in which students are shielded from the rest of the world.  We must allow them to make connections and expand their horizons. 

Google scholar is also a great resource that I first learned about my senior year in high school.  It helps limit your search to things that will actually be helpful and useful in presenting real, validated research.  It helps you avoid having to read through many pages before finding a scholarly one that you can actually use.  And the idea of sharing research between students is a great idea.  So often I have problems finding helpful websites but having blogs and other students opinions on what they thought was useful would be very helpful.  Networking is a great way to provide learning opportunities for the modern classroom.


The personal learning network shown in the video is very interactive and engaging.  It allows students much more freedom and independence in their work.  Her learning network is much more technologically savvy than mine is.  I think some of the programs she shows like the note taking one could be very helpful.  Personally for me it may be very confusing because of how I am used to doing things.  I can barely keep track of my online classes and they are all on one site.  But I know that the resources are there and I continue to try and use them and become familiar with them because I know it will be important to know for when I am a teacher. 

September C4K

Kids learning how to blog

I commented on Justin's blog. His teacher had the class make a personal history museum. Each kid brought in items from home that they wanted to put into the class museum. Justin brought in items like baseball cards and old toys. I told Justin that I was majoring in history here at South and how important I thought understanding history is. I think it is the key to succesfully planning for the future.

I commented on Racheal's blog.  She had talked about a recent cross country meet that her class had taken part in.  They were all very excited for the meet and had a blast during the actual event.  I commented on the event and told her that I thought it was great that her and her friends were participating in it.  It is great to have young people active and enjoying the activity because our country seriously lacks that today I believe.

I commented on Dani's blog in the last week of September.  Dani had multiple short posts about books she was currently reading.  Her posts were like mini book reports to gather feedback about what other classmates and people thought about the books she was reading.  I think this is a great example of how to use the class blog to enhance the classroom material.  The students have access to the opinions of their classmates and can engage in intellectual discussion through their blogs.