Podcast Tips
Judy Scharf has a lot of great tips for having successful podcasts on her page. She provides a lot of links along with some helpful advice in order to create successful podcasts. A point she stresses continually is that you must know the program that you are using to create your podcast. She suggests scheduling a lot of time to learn the program and to create the podcast. She also provides link in how to use Audacity.
100 Ways to Use your Ipod
This page provides a list of ways to use your Ipod other than for listening to music. And the site is very student friendly as well. The first use is Sparknotes, which a lot of students have grown up loving while many English teachers hate it. But the resources that you can have at your fingertips can truly change the way you study. Schools are beginning to use Ipods for classes and extra study sources so it is important that students take advantage of these new opportunities.
Eagle Nest Radio & Class Blog
The Eagle’s Nest Radio and Class blog is a clear example that a podcast can be used effectively by anyone. I listened to the classes podcast about Ancient Rome and learned about Roman architecture and the Roman culture. This class is learning history but also learning how to use this technology which will be necessary for them to succeed in future years. This is how technology should be combined with education to achieve success in both areas. Their podcasts were fun to listen to but also very educational.
I hope these helped in your preparation for your podcast.
ReplyDeleteThey really did help! I thought actually hearing the podcast from the "Eagle Nest Radio" was very helpful.